Proceedings and papers of the second International congress of soil science, Leningrad-Moscow, USSR, July 20-31, 1930 / Труды 2 -ой международного конгресса почвоведов - Moscow, State publishing house of agricultural, cooperative and collective farm literature (Selkolkhozgis) 1932-35. - 7 v. - The organizing committee of the second international congress of soil science .

Soil physics (illus., tables, diagrs.) Soil fertility (illus., tables, diagrs.) Edt. Sokolovsky, A.N., Kachinsky, N.A. Edt. Prjanischnikow,D.N., Sokolov, N.S. Commission 1 Commision 4 Classification , geography and cartography of soils (illus., tables, diagrs.) Application of soil science to agricultural technology (illus., tables, diagrs.) Soil chemistry Edt. Plassolov, L.J. Vilensky, D.G. Edt. Kostiakov, A.N., Dokturovsky V.S. Edt. K.K. Gedroiz, D.L. Askinasi Commision 5 Commision 6 Commision 2

Soil science--Congresses.