Marcy, Mary

Shop talks on economics / Mary E. Marcy - Chicago : Charles H. Kerr & company, 1911. - 59 pages ; 18 cm. - 331 (NLA) .

Allig. 1.

Com.: Allig 2.Class struggles in America / A. M. Simons.- Chicago; Allig. 3.Industrial unionism and the mining industry/ by G. Harvey; Allig. 4.The socialists/by John Spargo.- Chicago; Allig. 5.Labor scrab book; Allig. 6.The story of evolution / Marshall J. Gauvin.- New York; Allig. 7. Free trade / by Karl Marx.- New York, 1917; Allig. 8.Wage-Labor and Capital / Karl Marx.- New York, 1917.

Labor economics

331 (NLA)