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  • Ամսագրեր

Ամսագրեր (Genre/Form Term)

Preferred form: Ամսագրեր
Used for/see from:
  • Պարբերականներ
  • Հանդեսներ
  • Ժուռնալներ
  • Journals (Publications)
  • Magazines
  • Periodical publications
  • Zeitschriften
  • Журналы

Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, July 26, 2014 (periodical: A serial publication with its own distinctive title, containing a mix of articles, editorials, reviews, columns, short stories, poems, or other short works written by more than one contributor, issued in softcover more than once, generally at regular stated intervals of less than a year, without prior decision as to when the final issue will appear. Although each issue is complete in itself, its relationship to preceding issues is indicated by enumeration, usually issue number and volume number printed on the front cover. The category includes magazines, sold on subscription and at newsstands; journals, sold on subscription and/or distributed to members of scholarly societies and professional associations; and newsletters, but not proceedings or the other regular publications of corporate bodies as they relate primarily to meetings. Nor are newspapers formally classified as periodicals)

Art & architecture thesaurus online, July 26, 2014 (periodicals. Publications issued at regular intervals, but not daily, containing articles on various subjects by different authors for the general reader.)

Görlach, M. An alphabetical list of English text types, in Text types and the history of English, c2004: p. 62 (periodical: magazine published at regular intervals, newspaper)

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