The Address delivered by the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and The Sermon preached by Father Bessak Toumanyan at the Special Celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the 1500th anniversary of the Battle of Vardanantz.
The Armenian Church of St. Sarkis (London)
The Address delivered by the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and The Sermon preached by Father Bessak Toumanyan at the Special Celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the 1500th anniversary of the Battle of Vardanantz. - London : The Armenian Church of St. Sarkis, 1951. - 12 p.
Sunday, 7th October, 1951
History of Armenia--1500th anniversary of the Battle of Vardanantz
The Address delivered by the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and The Sermon preached by Father Bessak Toumanyan at the Special Celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the 1500th anniversary of the Battle of Vardanantz. - London : The Armenian Church of St. Sarkis, 1951. - 12 p.
Sunday, 7th October, 1951
History of Armenia--1500th anniversary of the Battle of Vardanantz