Bruckmann's Handbuch der Drucktechnik / Erhardt D Stiebner.
Stiebner, Erhardt D.
Bruckmann's Handbuch der Drucktechnik / Erhardt D Stiebner. - 5., vollst. überarb., neu gestaltete und erw. Aufl. - München : Bruckmann, 1992. - 363 p. : ill.
A textbook of typography, graphic design and other arts related to writing. Heavily illustrated in color and black & white. With several printing specimens tipped-in. At the rear in a plastic pocket one finds miscellaneous matter: rulers, stencils, stickers, etc. The book is arranged according to broad themes. Sections on the development of writing through the centuries and the use of writing styles in the printing industry.
History of printing
Bruckmann's Handbuch der Drucktechnik / Erhardt D Stiebner. - 5., vollst. überarb., neu gestaltete und erw. Aufl. - München : Bruckmann, 1992. - 363 p. : ill.
A textbook of typography, graphic design and other arts related to writing. Heavily illustrated in color and black & white. With several printing specimens tipped-in. At the rear in a plastic pocket one finds miscellaneous matter: rulers, stencils, stickers, etc. The book is arranged according to broad themes. Sections on the development of writing through the centuries and the use of writing styles in the printing industry.
History of printing