For a lasting peace, for a people's democracy /

For a lasting peace, for a people's democracy / Organ of the information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. - Belgrade ; Bucharest : Organ of the information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties, 1947-1956. - number : ill. ; 44 x 60 cm. - Weekly - # 1 (November 1, 1947- April, 1956)

For a Lasting Peace, for a People's Democracy! was the press organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. The first issue was published on November 1, 1947, from the Yugoslav capital Belgrade. The last issue to be published from Belgrade came out in June 1948. From July 1948 the newspaper was subsequently published from Bucharest, Romania, after a decision of the Second Cominform Conference to move the editorial office out of Belgrade. Published weekly, it was issued in English, French (Pour une paix durable, pour une democratie populaire!), Russian (За прочный мир, за народную демократию!), Bulgarian (За траен мир , за народна демокрация!), German (Für dauerhaften Frieden, für Volksdemokratie!), Spanish (¡Por una paz duradera, por una democracia popular!), Czech (Za trvalý mír, za lidovou demokracii!), Hungarian (Tartós békéért, népi demokráciáért!) and Polish (O trwały pokój, o demokrację ludową!) language editions. The newspaper sought to promote exchanges between communist parties. Initially there had also been a Serbo-Croat language edition of the newspaper (Za trajan mir, za narodnu demokratiju!

The publication was banned by the French government in early 1951, after which a new French-language edition titled Paix et démocratie ('Peace and Democracy') began to be published in France.

The publication of For a Lasting Peace, for a People's Democracy! ended in April 1956.


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