Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory 1992-93 : 60th Anniversary. : 3 volume set / Publisher: R.R. Bowker. - 31st ed. - New Providence ; New Jersey : A Reed Reference Publishing Company, 1992. - The Bowker International Serials Database .

V. 1 (1992, 2520 p.) : V. 2 (1992, 4861 p.) : V. 3 (1992, 6836 p.) :

Including Irregular Serials & Annuals

0-8352-3264-6 0-8352-3265-4(v. 1) 0-8352-3266-2(v. 2) 0-8352-3267-0 (v. 3)

International standard serial numbers

subject gude and indexing classified list of serials